Designers And Their Books
Saturday, February 5th, 2011
This week a new website launched,
designed by Pentagram;
which allows us to peek inside 50 esteemed members of the design communities libraries, virtually.
Like any collection, these choices are deemed personally relevant, meaningful, and formative to the designer.
Design decisions will always be essentially subjective and these lists of book choices
mapping out the personalities and preferences are intriguing.
There are the chosen classics,
Jun’ichirō Tanizaki: In Praise of Shadows and Paul Rand: Thoughts on Design,
as well as literary novels such as, Julian Barnes: Flaubert’s Parrot.
Today I have picked my favorite lists:
Billie Tsien, Jennifer Morla, Milton Glaser and Richard Saul Wurman.
Founder and Editor Steven Kroeter, of Archetype says, “We read somewhere that any book list is an invitation to begin a conversation.”
This is a premise I love to endorse.
All photographs used by permission, copyright © Designers & Books.