Card Catalog Invite
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010
Y H B H S has asked
Writers, Artists, Interior and Furniture Designers, Bloggers, Gallery and Store Owner/Directors,
and various design enthusiasts a very important question:
WHAT BOOK(s) HAS INSPIRED YOU THE MOST? (& will inspire us!)
I admit it; I like to be In Good Company,
so when David John of YHBHS asked me to select a book for his Card Catalog series,
fingers went directly to the keyboard.
Included in this series are books chosen by:
rug guru Christopher Farr, UK artist India Carpenter, NY photographer Don Freeman,
founder and director of Los Angeles Modern Auctions Peter Loughrey, among others.
To see the book that inspires me and why, as well as more images from the book, go here.
To read more about why David John is someone whose site I check regularly, go here.
Thank you David.